The Colombia Project is a ministry established to help the poor, the needy and the underprivileged children in Colombia South America. Through this ministry HIM has helped to fund the start as of this date of seven different dining rooms through Colombian Christian Foundations. These dining rooms are presently feeding several hundred children in different areas in the vicinities of Bogota, Colombia. -The project also helps and sponsors a foundation in a very poor section of Nogales, Mexico, a Church in Havana Cuba and a Drug Rehabilitation center for young men in Bogota, Colombia
Colombian Children statistics as of 2017
66% of Children 0-4 years of age live under the index of poverty. 2.7 million
67% of Children 5-9 years of age live under the index of poverty. 2.8 million
93% of all homes of displaced families are living as indigents. Of these 15% of the children ages 0-4 receive less than one meal a day.
Chronic malnutrition for children under the age of 5 is 12% and 23% for indigent displaced families.
3% of the urban children 7-12 years old do not attend school.
Over 60,000 girls age 10-14 and boys 4-12 are victims of domestic abuse.
Over 2,5 million children ages 5-16 are part of the work force.
An estimated 8000 children have been kidnapped by the guerrilla military forces and over 55% of them have not attended school past the 3rd grade.
In May, 2003 Hispanic International Ministries took a team of believers to Bogotá, Colombia to establish three dining rooms in which more than 400 poor needy children and elderly people are fed daily. Under the name “Colombia Project”, H.I.M. is continuing to support these dining rooms and the pastors who minister to the people living in these needy areas. Most people living there come from the most poverty stricken segment of the Colombian population, those displaced from their homes by the terrorist guerilla groups and many of them are believers in Christ.
The Lord has placed several of these communities surrounding Bogotá and on very poor regions of the country in Choco, the Sierra Nevada Koggi Indian Tribe Christians, the destitute outside of Santa Marta, Funza, Mosquera, Duitama and others. H.I.M. continues taking teams to Colombia to minister there annually. It is our desire to see other people in these areas brought to the Lord and to increase the local churches’ abilities to minister to them in practical ways. In order to do this we pray that you will join with us in order to eternally affect an entire nation and in time the entire South American continent. Your love offering for the Colombia Project will allow us to provide more items to sustain the programs, and to obtain a small passenger bus and a tent for evangelistic crusades.
In addition, HIM annually hosts a Christmas festivity for hundreds of children providing meals and gift packages with toys, clothing, personal items, candies, etc. for many of these children these are the ONLY gifts they have ever received or only Christmas gifts they receive as their impoverished families have no resources to provide any gifts for them.
Although most of us have felt the effects of the worldwide economic recession, we know that the Lord is our Provider and He has admonished us to remember the poor, the widows and orphans. He is the one who has promised to multiply the seed we sow and to meet our needs. The apostle James reminds as in James 1:27 that “pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit the orphans and widows and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
Please consider an investment into the “Colombia Project” and send your tax deductible love gift to Hispanic International Ministries designated specifically for that project and we will send you a receipt for your records. Christmas is a time for remembering God’s great gift to us and we hope you will want to bless these children of God. Remember Jesus said “Whoever receives one child like this in my name is receiving me” (Mk 9.37)
If you are interested in this ministry we will provide free of charge a DVD in English or Spanish for your Church or home study group at no cost to you. You can order via email through this web page hectortorres.org or by email to himhector@aol.com.